I fall for mean girls. Girls who don't give a shit. The real loves of my life have been cold and distant. Keeping me on my toes. Leaving without blinking an eye and never even looking back. Leaving me to think I probably deserved it all.
I'm not a bad person but I've done bad things. I have broke hearts because I needed to see something else falling apart for a change. I needed to be the one to walk away without ever looking back. I needed to remain untouched.
I'm scared I will never be just happy. When I'm in love I'm scared and when I'm loved I'm bored.
I wish someone could show me the middle.
Osasin jotenkin niin samaistua täysillä. Oot ihan mieletön
VastaaPoistaSinä oot mieletön!
PoistaOnko kaunokaisella instaa? :)
VastaaPoistaOn joo mutta en halua sitä tässä jakaa!